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Born in Lovere (Bergamo District, Italy on 15 August 1979
M.D., Post-graduate degree in paediatrics, Master Degree in Paediatric Rehabilitation

Diploma in Osteopathy with specific training in paediatric osteopathy

Member of the Order of Medicine Doctors of Brescia Province (Reg. N° 6275)

Member of the “American Academy of Pediatric Osteopathy” (Founding Membership)


1998   Classical  High School diploma    “D. Celeri” High School, Lovere, Brescia District – Italy

2004   Bachelor of Science Degree in Medicine, Brescia University Medicine School

Final dissertation: “A study on 54 children with growth hormone deficiency: an analysis of possibile correlation between the polymorphisms of the GH receptor gene and the response to the recombinant therapy

2011 Post graduate degree in Paediatrics. Specialization School with theh Paediatrics Clinic of Brescia University. Final dissertation on: “New giudelines in Paediatric Rehabilitation. The value of the integrated approach to children with neuro-evolutionary disease”.

2012   Diploma in Osteopathy  CIO (Italian College of Osteopathy) School, Bologna – Italy. Title of the dissertation: The value of osteopathy of newborns at risk of pathologic development. Experience at the Paediatric Ward in Desenzano del Garda Hospital.

2011- 2015   Training path in Paedriatic Traditional Osteopathy a the “Osteopathic Center for Children” in San Diego (California) followed under the supervision of Dr. Viola M. Frymann. (internship periods and attendance to training courses).

2014 – 2015   First level University Master “Paedriatrc Rehabilitation and Research Methodology” at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia

Title of the dissertation on: “Taking charge of infants at risk of pathologic development in Desenzano del Garda Hospital. An introduction to the service ( 2011-2014 period) and a suggestion for clinical study

2017 Training course  “New guidelines in the diagnose and rehabilitation of the child with Celebral Palsy” at Mariani Foundation”.


Professional Experience

2005 – 2006   In-hospital urgent care ward physician at Brescia’s San Camillo Clinic.

2011 Collaboration c with the Paediatric Immunology Center of the Brescia Spedali Civili Hospital

2011 – 2018 Supervising physician at the Paediatrics and Neonatology Ward at the Desenzano del Garda Hospital, ASST del Garda medical district. Specific competences: establishing and managing the “Neuroevolution follow up and paediatric osteopathy” clinic for premature newborns and newborns risking pathological development



Teaching Activities

 2013- 2018    Teacher at the University corse in General and Specialistic Paediatrics, with appointment as Subject Expert for the Degree Corse in Paramedical Studies at Brescia University (Desenzano del Garda branch).

2013- 2018    Collaboration with the School of Osteopathy, Bologna and Parma (Italy) CIO, Paediatrics course.

2013- 2017   Collaboration for the organization of training conferences in Paediatric Traditional Osteopathy applying the teachings of Dr. Viola M. Frymann.

2017-2018  Teacher at the University corse in Human Anatomy with appointment as Subject Expert for the Degree Course in Paramedical Studies, Brescia University (Desenzano del Garda branch)



 Presentation of scientific papers at national and international conferences:

7th International conference of Paediatric Endocrinology, Lyon, France 21-24 September 2005

–          The most common polymorphisms of the GH receptor do not appear to affect growth response to exogenous rhGH in GH deficient children

15th National conference of Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetology. Cagliari, Italy 13-15 October 2005

–         The GH receptor polymorhpisms do not appear to affect growth response to exogenous rhGH in GH deficient children

       –      Growth and final height in subjects afflicted by serious hepatopathies.

Conference of the Italian Paediatrics Society Conference – Emilia-Romagna Branch, Castel San Pietro Terme, 3 december 2005

–          The polymorphisms of the GH receptor do not affect growth response to exogenous GH in GH deficient subjects.

–          The natural history of Hashimoto thyroiditis

–          Psychological interrelations of precocious puberty and  idiopathic central early puberty

–         APECED syndrome with atypical or incomplete presentation. Report of 3 cases with mutations in the AIRE gene in heterozygosity.

–       Growth and final height in subjects afflicted by serious hepatopathies with or without hepatic transplantation

8° European Endocrinology Convention. Glasgow, 1-5 April 2006

–          Prevalence of the main GH receptor polymorphisms in GH deficient children and in the general population.

–          APECED (Autoimmune PolyEndocrinopathy-Candidiasis-Ectodermal-Dystrophy) syndrome with atypical or incomplete presentation: report of 4 cases with AIRE mutations in heterozygosity

7° National Convention of the Italian Society of Paediatric Infectivology. Milan, 17-18 May 2007

–          Moraxella catharralis: bactaraemia and pneumonia in an infant.

10° National Convention of SIAIP. Salsomaggiore Terme, Italy 3-5 April 2008

–          Primary immunodeficiecies and sarcoidosis: report of a case of sarcoidosis in a subject with x-linked recessive agammaglobulinemia

65° National SIP Convention. Padua 27-30 November 2009

–          Neurofibromatosis type 1 and embyonal rhabdomyosarcoma: two associated pathologies

–          A syndrome apparently known but not always easy to diagnose

23° Convention of the Italian Society of Neonatology. Lombardy Branch, Bergamo, 29-30 January 2010

–    Group B Streptococcal late-onset sepsis with dacryocystitis: a case report

“In Africa: Italian paediatric experiences” Convention. Ferrara, 10-11 September 2010

–          Esther Project – Brescia in Burkina Faso

–          A case of abdominal mass in a patient with HIV in Burkina: diagnostic and other limitations

9° SIMIT Convention. Rome, 23-26 November 2010

–      HIV/HBV and HIV/HCV Coinfection in Burkina Faso children

Laboratory medicine in diagnostic and therapeutic pathways. Parma, 15/18 Noveber 2011

–         Nutritional vitamin d-deficiency rickets. Clinical case report

 Italian Paediatric Society National Conference. Rome 3- 5 October 2012

–          Role of osteopathy in newborns afflicted by plagiocephaly. Experience at the Desenzano del Garda Hospital Paediatric Ward.

–      Enabling care and osteopathic treatment: an early approach to enhance the potential of high-risk newborns. An experience at the Paediatric ward in Desenzano del Garda Hospital. 

–         De novo interstitial deletion of the long arm of chromosome 2. Reporting a child afflicted by Del (2) (q31q31)

4th International Cerebral Palsy Conference, PISA 10-13 October 2012

–          Parental Care and osteopathic treatment. An early approach to exploit the potential

5th Scientific Symposium Early Intervention in developmental care. Brescia. 1-2 October 2015

–          Contributions of osteopathic treatment for the newborn: a program of early intervention in Desenzano del Garda Hospital

XII Conference. Creche nursing problems in a 3rd level birth-point. S.I.N., Brescia 15 December 2015

–          From structure to function: plagiocephaly and related disorders in the first months of life

4th International Conference of Osteopathic Medicine. Pescara – Italy, 20-22 May 2016

–          Contributions of osteopathic treatment for the newborn: a program of early intervention in Desenzano del Garda Hospital

Conference: “Osteopathy in Hospital. Clinic Experience and Scientific Research”. Meyer Hospital, Florence  9-11 June 2016

–          The contribution of osteopathy in the newborn: presentation of the early intervention programme at the  Desenzano del Garda Hospital.

S.I.N. (Italian Society of Neonatology) 23rd National Conference). Milan, 26-28 September 2017

–         The potential of paediatric osteopathy in hospital service. Revising 7 years’ experience in Desenzano del Garda

International Congress. Focus on cerebrospinal fluid. From basic to clinical research. Brescia, 6 ottobre 2017

–          From structure to function. Clinical experience about 230 babies with plagiocephaly followed with osteopathy at Desenzano del Garda Hospital

SIPO-SIMGePed  2017 Joint national conference. Paediatrics changes to keep up with the times. Pavia – Italy 17-18 November 2017

–          The potential of paediatric osteopathy in hospital service. Revising 7 years’ experience at the Desenzano del Garda Hospital

XXIII Norman Neonatology and Paediatric Days  IX National Conference. Caserta, 16-17 February 2018

–        Early intervention and osteopathy for the high-risk newborns. Experience at the Desenzano del Garda (Bs) Hospital

7th International Conference on Clinical Neonatology. Turin, 23-26 May 2018 

–          Positional Plagiocephaly: an integrated early approach based on osteopathy and parental involvement. Experience about 234 babies with plagiocephaly followed in Desenzano del Garda Hospital (Italy)

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